UFO College -gateway to the stars! ufos aliens crop circles abductions saucers





Classes Begin!
College Goes On Without Nerglha, Bboc
      Students returned to all the UFO College campuses with renewed enthusiasm, even though many were troubled that both the College's President and Dean of Students remain missing! "Life must go on, and so must our UFO College education," said one student. "There are more important things to contemplate than to worry about whether or not our esteemed leaders are still alive. I'm sure Campus Security will solve the case once they hire a few more security officers thru the Unemployment Bureau! Besides, rumor has it that Monkeyman may get involved in the case, and he'll find them -Dead or Alive!"!

      This years enrollment broke new records once again, with the Freshman class alone topping 8,556 students. Acting UFO College President, Jack Muzun, was pleased that opening day went on without any problems, and that all students received the room accommodations they requested.


Nerglha Abducted

Bboc May Be Involved
      During an attack witnessed by over 5,000 student leaders attending the "Get All Fired Up For Fall" conference at UFO College, President Robert Nerglha was abducted by what appeared to be a UFO Mother ship of unknown origin. A number of support UFOs surrounded the area apparently to keep away US National Guard F18 Fighter aircraft that were scrambled to the college in response to the incident.
     Nerglha appeared stunned but unhurt as he was lifted into the belly of the craft. He was heard saying, "It's a plot, it's a plot," fueling speculation that somebody was out to remove him from office. Rumors are circulating the campus that Phillip Bboc, also missing, may have something to do with the abduction. "Just look at Bboc's
e-mail address at the college and it becomes clear that Bboc is behind the incident," shouted one student at the crime scene.
      Emergency measures are now in place with Professor Muzun now serving as temporary president of the college. Campus Security will be working on the abduction case as soon as they return from summer vacation.


New Student Center Breaks Ground
Will Orbit Moon During Concerts

      UFO College President, Robert Nerglha, oversaw the groundbreaking of the newest of UFO College buildings -the New UFO College Student Center. It will be the largest college student center ever constructed. "Not even Donald Trump can out do us on this one," remarked one of the construction workers at the site.

      When completed the New UFO College Student Center will measure nearly 1,000,000 ft, big enough to hold Dave Matthews and Tool concerts! It will be capable of achieving a moon orbit during rock concerts and other special functions held daily at the college. A student casino will be included in the complex as it is in the present facility.

      The completion date is expected to be some time before the stat of the Spring semester UFO College Beer Fest in 2002.

Bboc Memorial Planned
Will Dwarf Rushmore

      UFO College Professor and Alumni Funds Director, Robert Gnortsmra, announced this past week that a major drug company has offered to erect a memorial to Dr. Phillip Bboc if the UFO College Alumni fund cannot secure enough funds for the project. Mt. Bboc will dwarf Mt. Rushmore in size, according to company officials. A preliminary design was sent to College officials for review.(see above) The UFO College Community is also being asked to submit additional ideas on what the Bboc memorial should look like. Send comments and suggestions to: bbocrock@ufocollege.com


Gnortsmra Uncovers Evidence
Bboc image appears in Northern Sky

      UFO College Professor, Robert Gnortsmra, alerted campus officials this past week of a strange likeness of Dr. Bboc in the northern evening sky.

      An e-mail message sent to UFO College by Gnortsmra said, "I believe if you look into the northern sky at night you can see the image of Dr Bboc's head. It is I believe the newest constellation."

      "This may be the lead we have been looking for," remarked UFO College President, Robert Nerglha. A picture submitted to image experts shows a distinct likeness to the missing and presumed dead, Phillip Bboc, formally Dean of Students of UFO College. 

      Donations are now being accepted to fund a Bboc rescue mission although there is currently very little interest by students at the campus to locate him. There is now $1.43 in the Rescue kitty and it is hoped that more $ will arrive soon.


Noslo Develops Super Bug

Pentagon Orders 500 

     UFO College International Scholar, Ken Noslo, is being credited with the development of a military device that may one day eliminate the need for soldiers in military conflict. The device, code-named "Bug", is essentially mechanical in nature but contains DNA of the common insect known as the cricket! It is 6 feet+ in length and can move at speeds of up to 50mph while carrying 100 lbs. of armament. The "Bug" has performed beyond expectations in combat tests held by the both the Army and Marine Corps.
      Prof. Noslo said that the "Bug" can be produced at a cost of $4.99 each, substantially cheaper than to train, feed, and house a typical U.S. soldier, currently $150,000 per year. Congressional leaders, in their excitement over the UFO College development, have authorized the Army to purchase 500 for immediate use in the Middle East. Noslo is expected to get the Distinguished Faculty Award at the start of next semester.



Personal Effects of Bboc Found
UFO College Underwear Launches Search in Desert

      Some of the personal effects of Dr Bboc were unexpectedly found this past week in the northern Arizona desert. Retrieved from an excavation site in the Big Lake area, 20 miles from Alpine Arizona, were charred and blackened items of personal nature, including UFO College issued underwear and socks. Government authorities, believed to be from Washington, have begun an extensive search of the area. They would not comment publicly, saying only that there is an ongoing investigation, and that they do not wish to start a panic.

      A local resident and tracker, Flecher Manygoats, said to the national media that, "there are some mighty small footprints out there, and it ain’t rabbit"! Manygoats was then hustled away by unidentified Government authorities.

      Several hundred homes have also been evacuated in a 50 square mile security zone around the excavation site which is now off limits to the general public. No official government statement is expected on the matter.


Bboc Vanishes
May Be Heading For Secret Planet

      UFO Security Officials have confirmed reports that Phillip Bboc, esteemed Professor and Dean of Students at UFO College, has disappeared without a trace. He reportedly vanished in front of 600 attendees at his UFO College Distinguished Professors Ceremony where he was just presented a Bust of himself (see pic above) to be placed in the College's museum. "He was there and then he wasn't," according to one eyewitness.

      Friends and relatives have also reported to investigators that Bboc had been restless for several days preceding the ceremony and was often heard murmuring, "I need something big, I need something big"!  UFO College President, Robert G Nerglha, offered little information as to why Bboc vanished except that Bboc may have obtained a new secret map of our solar system. He went on to say that the College community will eventually recover over his loss.

      The UFO College Board of Governors is now scrambling to replace Bboc before the start of the next semester. If you have any information as to his whereabouts please contact UFO College Security after the holiday break.


Recovery Site

Prof. Phillip Bboc & Pres. Nerglha

Dr. Phillip Bboc Returns Triumphant From Archeological Dig.
Recovers Ancient UFO And Map!

Dr. Phillip Bboc, director of an archeological dig in search of early UFO College documents lost since the American Revolution uncovered perhaps the single most important evidence to date that shows the UFO College campus was a thriving community in 1450.

      Only 15 days into the dig, Dr. Bboc's team of researchers pulled from the earth, at a depth of 75 feet below the new UFO College administration building, a damaged UFO believed to be one of the first UFO College classrooms, and a visitor's map of the campus. Although the map was tattered and torn it has been restored to near original condition by the UFO College Document Restoration Department. The UFO was in flyable condition.

      The UFO College Board of Governors will be awarding Dr Bboc a bust of himself to be placed in the Arts and History Museum in recognition of his contributions to the College.

Prof. Phillip Bboc

Prof. Bboc shows Dr Nerglha spectacular find!

Gnortsmra Locates Old Campus.
Virtually Unknown Until Discovery!

      Dr. Robert Gnortsmra, the newest addition to the College faculty, shocked the academic world this past month with his discovery of a former UFO College campus on the planet Mars. The campus is believed to be at least 500 years old. Leading a team of fellow Faculty members to what now remains of the Old Student Center and Casino, Gnortsmra acted on "a hunch" that the old Mars campus existed because of documents he previously discovered on his last Deep Space mission, funded with a UFO College grant. The President of the College, Dr Nerglha, is expected to award Gnortsmra the Distinguished Faculty Award when he arrives back at the main campus next month. Gnortsmra has also expressed an interest in heading up the UFO College Alumni Fund, an appointment currently under consideration by the Board of Governors.


UFO College Snags Youthful M.I.T. Prof.

      The Board of Governors has announced the addition of a renown space scientist, Dr. Robert Gnortsmra, to the College faculty. Dr. Gnortsmra, who recently retuned from a 15 year deep space mission funded by UFO College, has discovered over 1200 new alien languages in his infinite quest to advance interplanetary communications.


UFO College Takes World Grand Prix

First Year Entry Finishes One and Two

      UFO College has again shocked the sports world with a slam dunk victory at the renown 15,000 mile auto racing classic, The World Grand Prix. Finishing first and second of 611 entrants were veteran drivers Jack Muzun, and Dr Robert Nerglha, both sponsored by UFO College. The drivers also happen to be Professors at the College, with Nerglha also serving as the College President.

      "The race was never even close," joked Muzun. "We never expected to finish one/two because it was the first year the team was entered in the competition. But, Pres. Nerglha saw to it that we had the necessary funds to win and well, we did!"

      Nerglha commented that this race was just a tune-up for a N.A.S.C.A.R event, and that the Pit crews were now being assembled to compete in America's most popular auto racing event. "You ain't seen nothing yet. We won't be satisfied until we have the Winston Cup Championship Trophy on our mantle," exclaimed Nerglha."

Jack Muzun receives award from President Nerglha


The Earth's first UFO Electrical Technology Degree was awarded this past month to Jack Muzun of Connecticut's Beseak Lake region. The esteemed Professor and UFO College President, Robert G Nerglha, presented the Honors degree between rounds of good chat and imported beer. Unfortunately, the honors recipient was removed by government officials shortly after the ceremony began. ("Men-in-Black" arrived at the awards ceremony in a government-issue Suburban, and are believed to be financed by the secret but well known "black budget")

       Mr Muzun has been designing and developing alternative energy technologies since his first abduction experience back in 1977 while camping at the La Jolla Indian Reservation in Southern California. He has been regularly abducted ever since (127 recorded incidents at last report) and as a result has learned a great deal about the electrical technology of many different types of UFO crafts. The UFO College honors degree was awarded concurrently with UFO College's UFO Electrical Technology Award which will enable Mr Muzun to take additional time to explore new UFO Electrical Technology recently discovered at a UFO crash site near his home in Connecticut. The amount of $$ Mr Muzun will receive from the award was not disclosed except that he will receive $30,000 per speaking engagement at UFO College. Dr. Nerglha said, "I can think of no better man or alien who deserves this award more than Mr. Muzun and he will be a great addition to our faculty and staff here at UFO College. Hopefully, the Men in Black will see fit to release him from custody before the start of classes next semester!"






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